God’s Word Proves Faith in Christ Versus Bible Ignorance

God's Word proves faith christ

Liberal theologians are now advancing the false teaching of believing in Christ without necessarily taking the entire Holy Scriptures as God’s Word. You may have heard someone saying “I do believe in your Christ, but I don’t believe in your Bible.” Without a shadow of a doubt, if examined through the revelations of the Scriptures, such a doctrine is misleading and distorted. God’s Word proves that real faith in Christ only happens after a hugging conviction of the Bible’s truthfulness and dependability. Wrote the apostle Paul that “faith comes from hearing, and hearing by the word of Christ.” (Rom. 10:17)

Facing Trials in the Power of Abraham’s Faith

We are facing trials every once in a while as part of our unsinkable imperfections in this life. Earth is not the dreamland; suicide, therefore, is abnormal and committed by those experiencing mental illness known as depression. God’s parting words for Adam were not a happy anticipation of a life away from paradise. Now, we swallow the pill as children of Adam, the sinner. There are ordeals, tons of them in this domain. Facing trials head-on, like struggling with cancer or kidney disorder, is the only rational option available to each one of us. But we can only resist the fear associated with any form of adversity by faith in the promises of God.

Positive-mindedness: A Christian Trait and Strength


>We need to be positive-minded in life. It is God’s will for us. Our natural tendency, however, is to be pessimistic. Only a few people are optimistic naturally. It is one explanation why only 10% become successful.

Grace Plus Faith in Christ Needed to Live Forever

grace plus faith in christ

God’s love continues to overshadow our hearts and beings even if we deliberately ignore or reject Him. Termed as God’s common grace or undeserved love and kindness that is not salvific in form, He provides rain or the sunshine to both believers and unbelievers; to the righteous as well as to the unrighteous.

Doubted God’s Word and Sincerity

doubted God's Word

The experience of Lot (Abraham’s nephew) was not uncommon: he doubted God’s word like everyone else in this domain. The Bible said that Lot was a righteous man who was just living with the unbelievers and among those who were engaging in gay or lesbian acts. Lot lived in Sodom from which the word “sodomy” comes. God wanted to burn the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah and the neighboring towns.

Enter God’s Kingdom by Obeying His Laws?

enter god's kingdom

Jun P. Espina         1 min read

Updated on February 17th, 2020

Enter God’s Kingdom

C. H. Spurgeon once commented that little minds need Latin to express their shallow thoughts, more so on how to enter God’s kingdom. Unlike the artful deception of falsehood, truth needs but simple words. Its beauty and might is easily seen in its actual, rugged form. In only six common words, the apostle Paul penned one of the greatest Christian truths ever told: “I have been crucified with Christ.”

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