The Christian Teaching about Walking with God

walking with God

Self-satisfaction or the dopamine effect is a given in an event like this. But from the Christian doctrine, your fellowship with our Lord’s Spirit determines your walk with God or walk with the darkness. Your charities for the poor should always be the natural outcome of your true faith in Jesus Christ.

The Biblical Blueprint to Keep the Family: Saving the Family from Radical Leftism


One outrageous attack by the woke movement was the silencing of former President Trump from the social media platforms. You can easily see their power. Think about the leftist CNN and the MSM of the world. Think about the students and their professors, the Democrats, the powerful politicians, and the corporations joining hands to impose their woke ideology. It is the picture of how the woke religion can break into pieces conservatism, the family, faith in God, and Christian morality.



This book, CHRISTIAN TEACHINGS REVISITED, shows to the reader the basics of Christianity such as how to get salvation and to stay saved from God’s judgment. Without an interest in the spiritual realm, the careless person could not see any value from this paper. I am not surprised since he is disinterested even in studying the Holy Bible. Sidney Bremer once said, “What is $200 to a horse?” If one is not interested in the salvation of his own soul from the penalty of sin in hell — if he is not interested in Christ’s free forgiveness for him to have eternal life after death! — then even Christ Himself cannot persuade him. No one can motivate him to study Christian doctrines as they don’t taste good to him. Christianity is just meaningless to him!

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