What is Being Born of the Spirit of God?

born spirit god

A person who is born of the Spirit, therefore, relies upon Jesus for his eternal life and assurance by sincere faith in our Lord’s finished work on the cross at Calvary.

Forgiveness Through Faith in Jesus Christ


Forgiveness and Salvation – Everyone who decides for Christ has his sycamore tree of humility. There was an old rich man who asked his born-again servant how to live in heaven forever. Sensing the bourgeois pride of his master, the servant answered, “Sir, since you have neglected the Lord all through your life, you need to kneel amidst your herd of swine for two days.” “No,” retorted the old man, “I can’t do that!” After a year or so, the old man became so ill that he told his servant he was ready to start kneeling. The servant replied, “No need, Sir. What God wants of you is your willingness to push pride away so you can wholeheartedly come in faith unto the Lord.”

Death Penalty is Anti-God?

death penalty

Death penalty is one issue that has severely divided the brilliant opinions of our day. The moralists and self-righteous ones, including the so-called religious and intellectuals, have joined forces in ringing so loudly the bell of protest that the unlearned and poor-minded become easy captives of their eloquence. “End to the death penalty,”  they cried vehemently, “for humanitarian reasons; for we are pro-life!”  What a slogan is it? Indeed, the deaf in spirit will want to hear it.  A loud and clear sympathy for life, “anti-death penalty” is a cause worthy of everyone’s  support!

Repentance and Faith in Christ

repentance and faith in christ

We find in Acts 3:19 the command to “Repent, then, and turn to God.” (NIV) Biblical repentance, therefore, means the act of turning to God through faith as we cannot change our attitude and love for our Creator without first believing in the gospel of Christ. We can repent by believing but not without first hearing the Word of God about sin and the free salvation through faith in Christ’s substitutionary death.

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