5 Best Ways To Find Strength In The Lord In 2023 Everything You Need to Know About the Power of Faith

find strength in the lord

How to find strength in the Lord? The everyday belief system is to call on any so-called God during our trying times, who does not own the truth. Christ said, “I am the Truth.” It is enough promise if we believe it.

The Born-Again Christians: Who Are They?


I found on Facebook zillions of sarcasm about the born-again experience. Someone said it was demonic. He cited the extra-biblical Pentecostal experience where the congregants fell to the floor and did crazy things. But it is not the born-again experience we are examining here.

Christ is Our Advocate


I heard about Christ as our Advocate or Lawyer to the Father. What is it? Christ is not only our Savior from sin but our Helper or Advocate in this life. You are like being pulled out from the mire of sin by our Savior, but He did not just stop from there. Because of His eternal love for you, He took care of you and sheltered you every inch from the devil’s lies and accusations. Our Christ does not just SAVE but COMFORT us after rescuing us from the slavery of sin.

Born Again Christ’s Version: Understanding the Biblical Born-Again Experience


The emphasis in this book is the born-again experience lived by true Christians. It is this experience of truth that Christ’s followers chose death over recantation. It explains the willingness of William Tyndale, the father of the English Bible, to be burned at the stake. The unbelievers and atheists see the second birth as a subject for amusement and mockery. But there’s no truth in their misjudgment of Christians for the reality they don’t have any understanding at all.

Christmas is About Truth and Freedom

Christmas is about Christ; but right after His birth, people dethroned Him and removed Him away from His rightful place as Savior of the world. Songs composed during this season were about food, fun, and Christmas lights. Humanity’s rejection of Christ is best expressed this time of the year such as people’s efforts to reduce Christ’s birth to a Christless feast and holiday.

Christian Hope of Immortality and a Blissful Life in Heaven

christian hope immortality blissful life in heaven

Our belief of a deathless life in heaven is the most remarkable Christian expectation and confidence in this life. Why, because “it has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit.” Our Christian hope of immortality and a blissful life in heaven—in a new, incorruptible body (1 Cor. 15:51-54)—is not mere utopian or quixotic dream. It is a living hope that will always survive with the Holy Spirit watering such seed of anticipation of the forgiven soul. The Apostle Peter called this Christian hopefulness as the living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.

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