Jun P. Espina         3 min read
Updated on February 18th, 2020
Jesus Christ said that He is the Giver of life, for He is the Life. That is the meaning of Christian life. Jesus our Lord is the Life, He is our Life. Observe John 10:27-28: “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow Me; and I give eternal life to them, and they shall never perish; and no one shall snatch them out of My hand.” We are complete in Christ in this life and beyond. (cf. John 15:5) A Christian life is a life of hope and victory; a life of divine peace and joy. The Bible contains true life stories of a prostitute who got changed or of a resurrected dead man.
The Christian Life is the Life of the Ever-Satisfying Love of God
Lazarus for example, died and was buried—but Jesus gave to the former back his life. Magdalene wasted her life in harlotry; Jesus saved her and made her a saint. Bartimaeus, Zaccheus, Joseph of Arimathea, Paul, Peter, including you and me who are in Christ today: Jesus made the big difference in all our lives! While the unsaved ones are lost in the pains and pleasures of this world, we in Christ are being immersed in the living love of our Lord. Life in Christ thus is an experience with the ever-satisfying love of God—a daily witness of eternity itself! A Christian life is a daily journey of faith and hope that Christ is always there along the way no matter what.
The Christian Life is Not Just a Matter of Opinion
Without Christ, life becomes only a matter of opinion. For the ignorant ones, it is only the gathering of food—it is survival. It is all about playing, believe our young children. For those superstitious mortals, life is the mysterious chemistry of the gods. Insist our intellectuals it is the combination of experiences—the endless search for wisdom! Whereas our leaders argue that life is negotiation or the achievement of goals.
Our artists say that life is the various forms of expression. For our professionals, it is facts and figures of a certain system or organization. It is making profits or paying loses, according to our business people. Our writers said that life is all about the emotions of it; while our politicians believed it is understanding the needs and weaknesses of the people.
The Christian Life is the Loving Fellowship with the Son of God
To the rich, life is an endless search for contentment; to the poor ones, it is a daily grind. Our the students said that life is the making of a better future; the sick ones believe it is dependence upon another. It is the utter consciousness of the afterlife, claimed the dying folks around. To the derelicts, life is confusion and hopelessness.
A Christian life is more than these principles or concepts. For life, to us, is not just a matter of opinion. It is not just food gathering or playing or negotiation or goal making or the study of people’s needs. A Christian life is nothing more than the eternal fellowship with the Son of God, Christ Jesus our Lord. A Christian life is all about our hope that something good for us will always come because God the Son is always there at our side. “And we know,” wrote the Apostle Paul, “that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.” (Rom. 8:28-29) All things work together for GOOD—for the good of the Christian believer, according to God’s purpose in our lives.