Rich Children of God


The blessing of the Lord makes man rich and He adds no sorrows to it. Many millionaires in the US are of Jewish origin, hence the saying: where there’s a Jew, there’s a blessing. In Christ, we are more than a Jew–we are children of God. We are a blessed people! In God’s eyes His children are always rich, heirs of Christ! If we aren’t rich in cash today, we are in our Lord’s peace. If we don’t have properties, we’re rich just the same, for what’s Christ’s is ours too. His Father’s mansion up there will soon be our home! “I go to prepare a place for you,”  Christ said. What richness will it be–not just in a billion years but through ETERNITY!The blessing of the Lord, it maketh rich, and he addeth no sorrow with it. Proverbs 10:22

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