Understanding Erotic Love—A Key Relationship Builder

erotic love

Understanding erotic love. The love of the opposite sex is very unstable among our youth. Why? Because of the idealism of the young for perfection, fame, money, and good looks. Hence, a long engagement is essential before marriage. The lovers need to first clear up the cobwebs of youthful dreams for a life partner. For proof that it is so, one study shows that a year of relationship before marriage is much better compared to a rush union.

Little-Known Qualities of Good Parents Good Parents Take Care of Themselves

good parents

ood parents are rare, just as obedient children are rare. This thought is very debatable, for the evil in children is sometimes learned from the evil that is in their parents. But can we be a good parent? I believe there are tons of brilliant ideas concerning good parenthood out there, but I would want to focus on four things.

The Life of Horatio, an Unmarried Man

life challenges versus unmarried man

Life demands that everyone should follow its list of priorities, topped by food and marital stability. I heard someone say this typical family shibboleth: “College, job, family.” But Mary Kay’s philosophy of life was even superior: “God first, family second, career third.”

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